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10 Things I Have Learnt From Being Injured

I really struggle for motivation to write at the moment, I guess I feel like I don’t have anything interesting or positive to say. I have been thinking about the past year and everything that I have discovered and learnt. So here it is; the good, the bad and the ulgy…

1. People care

I have been blow away how much people care. We really have an awesome climbing community and people have been so kind by offering free advice and treatments. I never would have expected such amazing gestures and I feel proud to be apart of such a great group of people.

2. Yoga is great – physically and mentally

I started doing yoga, this is great for your body from a movement and flexibility point but for me it is a chance to clear my mind. I constant worry and the time I spend doing yoga clears my mind and the world feels like a better place after.

3. Nobody truly knows the answer

This has to be the most frustrating part of being injured. I have seen so many different professional people, spoken to many friends and read various articles. Everybody says something different, has a different opinion and often they conflict. I think about it all the time and even now I am still often unsure as to what I ‘should’ be doing.


4. It’s lonely

It has been 18 months since I hurt my back. The last few months have felt quite lonely, this by no means is because I haven’t had support from friends and family, but more because I am tired. I am tired of thinking about it, worrying and getting confused as to what I should do. It is lonely because only you know how it feels and only you can make the decision on what to do. I am always going round and round in circles in my head wondering if I am making the correct decision.

5. It is okay to be upset

Trying to stay positive is great and it feels easier to pretend that everything is okay then get upset. Actually, this is pretty hard to do and eventually you crack so it is okay to have a good old cry!

6. Motivation does not come easily

Eugh, this is a big one for me. I put in so much hard work and I was climbing the best I ever had until I hurt my back. I find it hard to imagine not having any pain and being back to or better than I was. It is hard to motivate yourself to get up and do stuff when the end goal is so far away. I read a great article recent and one of the quotes I remember was “our struggles determine our successes”.

7. Immerse yourself with other things

I have been spending a lot of time in North Wales which I love because you have everything there from mountains to the seaside. Spending time doing something fun has been really important. I bought a wetsuit and have been splashing around a lot in the Irish Sea, I would say surfing but it is more like body boarding on a surf board.


8. Climbing easy things wears thin!

It is frustrating not being about to test yourself and try really hard. Being in a beautiful place and pottering around is great but after an extended amount of time wears thin. I am looking forward and will really appreciate being able to push myself at some point in the future.

9. Friends are awesome

I already knew this! My friends have up with a lot of whinging, crying, lack of motivation and plenty of grumps. You all know who you are and you are flipping great so thanks for the moral support.


10. I am still learning

I am still learning about my body, I have so much more knowledge and information than I did a year ago. I have worked a lot on my posture, which is improving and I am learning how to move and climb in a different way. How to utilise my body to the best of it’s ability rather than just hanging on my limbs. Hopefully all this will make me a better and stronger climber in the long run. Maybe the injury will be worth it for everything I have learnt? maybe not? I think I will answer this one in a few years time!


It is a stupid face but I can’t wait to be pulling it again and trying hard!

Join the discussion 2 Comments

  • georgia says:


    Hows the injury journey progressing?
    I’m also currently injured, but from the physiology of my body it seems, rather than one cause of an incidence! (many partial dislocations of the shoulder) And perhaps the most annoying thing is, you think you’re on the way to being fixed, and then something happens and it winds you back down to 0 again. But here’s hoping not all injuries are not doing this to everyone!

    Anyway, hopefully 2016 is an upward curve ??
    (except from maybe yesterday when I sliced my finger open, dislocated the shoulder again and lost a bid on ebay…) Just remember; good days, bad days, good days…..

    • says:

      Hey! Thanks for your message. It was doing really well thanks. Like you said though seems to be a few steps forward then a few back again.
      Good luck with your shoulder though, it sounds frustrating.

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